
complicated mind

Monday, December 19, 2005

Graduation Day di University of Wollongong

Tanggal 15 Desember 2005, di University of Wollongong, akhirnya aku wisuda :D Upacara wisudanya memakan waktu sekitar 2 jam. Acaranya berjalan dengan rapih dan teratur. Jadi sekarang udah resmi jadi sarjana hehehehe... Setelah acara wisuda, para lulusan dari Indonesia diundang ke gedung Faculty of Informatics. Di gedung itu disediakan minuman dan sushi untuk para lulusan dan orang tua lulusan. Setelah makan-makan selesai, sang Dekan memberikan kenang-kenangan untuk semua lulusan dari Indonesia. Walaupun cuma sebuah ballpoint dengan logo UoW, tapi yang penting nilai sentimentilnya :p Untuk cerita jalan-jalannya nanti di posting yang berbeda yah. Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Ditulis di Summit Apartments, Sydney

posted by Belutz @ 12/19/2005 02:41:00 AM |

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ubuntu in Debian Conference II

Sorry for the late posting. On December 3rd 2005, located in University of Indonesia, the Faculty of Computer Science was hosting Debian Conference II. I was doing a speech about Edubuntu in general while my friend Ananda Putra did the speech about Ubuntu in general. We also have an Ubuntu booth that provides some Ubuntu Breezy Badger CD's. I saw that the audiences are interested in Ubuntu and Edubuntu. Some of them already using Ubuntu and the others seems willing to try Ubuntu.

posted by Belutz @ 12/06/2005 01:33:00 AM |

my mood: The current mood of belutz at www.imood.com

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