
complicated mind

Friday, October 17, 2003

Semalem ngebut nonton pelem. Ada 4 pelem DVD hehehe... 1. Terminator 3 --> ceritanya ngga terlalu bagus 2. Hulk --> lumayan, gue suka visualisasinya pake multiple camera 3. American Wedding --> lumayan lucu 4. Final Destination 2 --> lumayan juga Hari ini minjem pelem lagi... sama beli DVD The Simpsons hohoho... banyak pelem nihhhhh.... Main Ragnarok lagi ahhhh

posted by Belutz @ 10/17/2003 04:56:00 PM |

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Another night in Bengkel... wah gue ngga jago nulis nih...

posted by Belutz @ 10/09/2003 01:03:00 AM |

my mood: The current mood of belutz at www.imood.com

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