
Monday, September 13, 2004

A review: House of Flying Daggers

Lumayan, artistic,environmentnya bagus banget, berantemnya keren, cuma endingnya kok agak mengecewakan yah... Lumayan lah, tapi ceritanya tidak terlalu berkesan. Harusnya Judul Film-nya "Cinta Segitiga" hehehehe UPDATE 13 September 2004 Bener kan... judulnya harusnya "Cinta Segitiga" :p dari sini "House of Flying Daggers" (aka "Shi Mian Mai Fu" [China], aka "Lovers" [Japan]) is set in the year 859 AD as China's once flourishing Tang Dynasty is in decline. Tuh di jepang judulnya "Lovers" hehehehe....

posted by Belutz @ 9/13/2004 10:56:00 PM

my mood: The current mood of belutz at www.imood.com

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