A present for my own
Kado untuk diriku dari diriku... (kasian ngga sih?) hehehe...
Aku suka banget sama buku Tom Clancy. Pas lagi jalan-jalan di PI Mall, ada toko buku yang isinya buku-buku 'bule' semua. Mampir deh ke toko itu. Liat punya liat, ternyata ada juga buku Tom Clancy, cukup banyak juga. Akhirnya beli episode pertama dari seri Net Force, abis penasaran dari dulu pengen baca tapi susah nyari bukunya. A little excited, langsung beli deh, dan harganya tidak terlalu mahal untuk ukuran novel 'bule', Rp. 59.000,- :D
Ini sinopsisnya :
In the year 2010, computers are the new superpowers. Those who control them, control the world. To enforce the Net Laws, Congress creates the ultimate computer security agency within FBI: Net Force.
When the director of Net Force is assassinated, Deputy Director Alex Michaels is thrust into one of the most powerful and dangerous positions in the world. At the same time, cyber-terrorists sabotage mainframe computers across the country, causing famine, chaos, and death.
Now Michaels and his team must find out who is responsible-and what they have to gain. But there is another problem. If they assassinated one Net Force director, what will stop the from assassinating another?
Ini cover bukunya :
posted by Belutz @ 9/08/2004 08:17:00 PM
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